Opening Remark

Recently I had a conversation with a good friend, in which I expressed my opinion that all academic pursuits are basically fraud. He disagreed by saying 'autheticity is my middle name'. This prompted me to question myself what would be mine, and I find no more suitable word than Cynicism. Hence, from today on, my name is Peidong C. Young, C for Cynicism. 9/7/10

Wednesday 8 June 2011





一般我们看电视,看到广告就觉得boring。有些拍得稍微有创意一点的广告,我们则会欣赏一下。但是,从“社会符号”的角度来说,广告其实蕴含了非常丰富的社会信息。因为广告的目的就是要抓住人的注意力,而后打动人心,所以广告中的一些主题和叙事方法力求反映消费者乃至整个社会的欲望、理想和追求。而且,通过 一个国际比较的视角,我们更看出不同国家和社会在文化和在追求上的不同。

我第一次有这个体验是一年多以前在印度做社会学调研。那时在旅馆里看电视,发现印度电视广告里最大的一个主题就是野心(ambition)和憧景(aspiration),大多数广告都围绕憧景美好生活,而后实现美好生活这一主题展开叙事。比如信用卡MASTER CARD的一个广告,几个朋友在一起追忆当年穷的时候,一起聚餐后互相不肯付账,想推到别人身上,时过境迁,现在这些朋友们个个事业成功,西装革履,都有信用卡,吃完饭后抢着用MASTER CARD付账。


印度的广告中也有“家”这个话语元素。但是它的作用方式比较不同。他们主要把家看作一个美好生活的代号,所以很多整体厨房、家具和家居装修的广告都是在“家”(home, not family)这个主题下开展的。中国也有这类,比如说最近我常常看到的一个除甲酫空调的广告,这反映了我们国民对拥有一个属于自己的温馨舒适的家的追求,也从另一个侧面表现了中国房地产和私家购房的热度――大家都买新房,所以甲酫才是一个问题。

最后还想说一个批判一点的观点:广告中我们还可以看到社会上的不平等和压迫。还是以印度为例。印度是一个多民族、多文化、多语言的国家,各个地域的人其实长得很不一样,习俗、习惯,经济发展程度也不一样。比如说印度东北部几个邦的人长得像中国人,南部泰米尔邦的人皮肤则非常黑,而北部新德里附近的人皮肤相对颜色浅一些。印度的广告里我从来 没有看到皮肤深黑或是长得像中国人的面孔。演员青一色的是英俊漂亮的皮肤白皙的印度人――比平均还要要白皙很多。这就说明,在印度人的想象中,皮肤白皙也代表高贵和美。虽然他们自己国家的其实肤色很深。这种对白肤色的向往和欲望,其实与全球范围内的肤色政治不谋而合。总而言之,广告虽小,但它往往是解读一个社会和一个文化的一扇窗户。

Tuesday 7 June 2011






三。The Chinese Rhetorical Habit


The Unimportance of Being Oxford

This is an experience I had after returning to my home town in China.

Although people generally lavished praise on me upon hearing that I am now a doctoral student at Oxford University, in private they have actually very specific and already formed idea of success. The Chinese society (or perhaps East Asian societies in general) is now satuated with a cultic attitude towards personal financial success. And the dissemination/circulation of discourse therein seems a point of interest. Students who have gone abroad to study (usually in the U.S.) are typically viewed as having absorbed the advanced technological expertise, capitalist concepts, ideas, and innovative/entrepreneurial spirits. Thus, the successful entrepreneur returning from the US with advanced concepts and who makes fortunes based on the application of those concepts in China is the archetypal heroic overseas-educated student figure in the Chinese imagination.

From their reading of news papers, listening to news and browsing the Internet, many halfwitted Chinese people have become very familiar with such a figure, and can usually list examples, sometimes even among their own acquaintances.

If another academically successful individual who has gone abroad to study in prestigious institutions does not conform to their conceptual stereotype, instead of moderating their views, the Chinese actually view this atypical individual, such as myself, with suspecion.

So, when I disclosed that I was interested in no more than becoming a university academic, I was immediately greeted with ambiguous smiles, and sometimes downright disapproval, for 'lacking ambition' or for 'being complancent with petty comfort and security'--that they don't know inseurity is in fact rapidly becoming a hallmark of the academic profession is, of cousre, not their fault.

Fair enough, what I usually do not disclose is my academic ambitions, which I admit are rather hollow and unrealist but not necesssarily more so than most entre/technopreneurial ambitions, but I doubt they would understand even if I did. Perhaps an 'academic ambition' is a contradiction in terms for them, because, in these Chinese people's mind, being an academic teaching peacefully in a university is a sign of mediocraty, if not prima facie failure. Ambitious people, in contract, go out into the world and make billions. Of course, such a misconcpetion is forgivable, because these people themselves have never in their lives met a truly brilliant academic, nor have they ever actually opened their eyes to the world of ideas and contemplation, which is almost a spiritual world, if we are talking about a sufficiently high level. Their myopia is a historically determined condition, which is not to be blamed. But I am at least glad that I have a more open mind, thanks to a broader vision and experience of the world -- on in certain senses, of course.

But my point remains, that people DO actually have their already formed ideas of success and achievement and, speaking more broadly, of normativity. They won't easily alter these ideas, if at all. One of the attendant merits of being intelligent should be the capacity of imagination--imagining alternative forms of living and meaning, and sadly they aren't capable of it.