Opening Remark

Recently I had a conversation with a good friend, in which I expressed my opinion that all academic pursuits are basically fraud. He disagreed by saying 'autheticity is my middle name'. This prompted me to question myself what would be mine, and I find no more suitable word than Cynicism. Hence, from today on, my name is Peidong C. Young, C for Cynicism. 9/7/10

Saturday 25 April 2015



话说今次2015新加坡华语电影节我发狠看了十部电影加一部纪录片,其中良莠杂陈,也不完全算是浪费时间。以前看完电影喜欢开展对号入座式的理论分析,譬如几个月前写的关于Gone Girl的分析。现在觉得这样做挺无聊,毕竟电影本身就是视(听)觉与叙事的艺术,要超越的就是枯燥的学理;把电影还原或降低到学理,实在是多此一举。齐泽克喜欢用电影来解释艰深的哲学和精神分析理论,但他的目的其实是解释理论(兼讲黄段子哗众取宠),所以另当别论。评论电影,我想还是从电影本身出发最好。




真2:第二个意义上的“真”是更深层次上的真,指的是电影能触及人性和社会最深处的、最内核的某种真实经历,英文所谓的the human condition。譬如说,科幻电影Interstellar从真1的角度上讲不真,但它所描述的那种宇宙级的孤独(loneliness on a cosmic scale)和那种由错过与后悔带来的不能铺平的伤痛,在我看来,是很真的(真2),可以让人流泪。这是往大了讲,往小了讲,真2也指基于我们对某个特定人群和社会的理解基础上,认为在特定情况下人会比较自然表现出的行为和情感。这个特定情况本身不一定要发生,甚至可以是荒诞的,但在荒诞之中,我们体验到“真”。齐泽克所说的“the real”。









《少女哪吒》 :不真。导演玩技巧太过(色彩,拟音,音乐等等),导致该片给人感觉相当做作。90年代的中国倒是通过选景、布景和道具表现的比较到位,但片中的人没让我感觉是中国人,就连故事的情节也有些莫名其妙。到头来是似真尤假。



《回光奏鸣曲》:力作!这次观影马拉松看的最后一部影片,也恰是我最喜欢的,或者说最进入心坎的,也算是完美收场吧!(这部影片的主题也是“收场”,英文片名就是"Exit".)“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。”  回光奏鸣曲,是哀乐的序曲,我们有一天都要成为它的主角;挣扎、抗拒,都是没有用的,我们都有黯然退出舞台的一天。但是,回光奏鸣曲的前面应该有慷慨激昂的高潮乐章吧?有的人有,有的人没有,人生就是如此不公平。没有的人,仿佛这辈子什么都还没来得及发生,就要退场了;也许对大多数人来说,生命就是一曲回光奏鸣曲。但是,又想到岳飞的词“三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。”  也许现在就听回光奏鸣曲,还为时尚早!影片从技术层面上讲,也非常好,没有什么可以指摘的。片中探戈舞曲的运用也算是对了我的胃口;以前看王家卫,也是每每被探戈舞曲吸引住。技巧,唯有在与故事和主题达成默契时,方才是加分的。


Monday 6 April 2015

Thoughts of a PRC “foreign talent” scholar as Singapore sends off Mr. Lee

        March 29th, Sunday, was truly a remarkable day, and one that I’m unlikely to forget, for a long long time to come. Thousands upon thousands of people, Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans, came voluntarily, lining the route of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s final journey. The rain poured down as the procession set off, as if the heaven was grieving too. As the cortege passed by Dover MRT station – where I awaited amongst a packed crowd – we shouted out “Lee Kuan Yew! Lee Kuan Yew!...” There were teary eyes to be witnessed around, even among some teenagers. The scene was moving, and for a few moments I felt moist in my eyes too.

       Born in China in the mid-1980s, my only experience of national mourning was when Deng Xiaoping died in 1997. I do not remember shedding tears for China’s “grand architect of reform”, but even if I did, I could not have done so out of genuine grief – there was limitation to a 12-year-old’s experience and comprehension. As a kid, I also studied in primary school a Chinese text entitled Sending off the Premier along Chang’an Boulevard (Shili Changjie Song Zongli), a text that depicts the Chinese public’s outpouring of grief over the passing of the deeply-loved Premier Zhou Enlai in early 1976. Little did I imagine that I would finally get to understand, at least to some extent, the emotions described in this old text in, of all places, Singapore, 2015, on the sad occasion of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s passing.

      When I was 17, studying at a high school in a second-tier Chinese city, a scholarship scheme from Singapore would change my life trajectory. Having passed written tests and an interview, I was awarded an “SM2” undergraduate scholarship, together with around 200 other scholars from all over China. It has always been speculated – though never confirmed – that the idea of scholarships for mainland China students was born of the agreement between China and Singapore’s respective “top leaders”. We would never know…but somehow, scholars like us, not only those from China but perhaps also those from elsewhere, would believe that it was the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew’s commitment to meritocracy and his valuing of talent that gave us the opportunities we had.

        And Singapore did seem to us to live up to the value of meritocracy. One telling example: during the third year of my undergraduate studies, 2007, I took part in the Singapore Japanese Speech Contest; and thanks to my own passion for Japanese language then and the wonderful coaching from my NTU mentors, I clinched the championship of the tertiary category, and as a result won a two-week homestay trip to Japan, fully sponsored by the Singapore Japanese Embassy and local governments in Japan. I still remembered how the Japanese host officials were quite surprised that the champion that Singapore sent over was actually of Chinese nationality and not a Singaporean; but this did not matter to the Singapore organizers, for I was the winner. (I wonder how a similar situation would be dealt with today?)

          Also in 2007, I had had the opportunity to meet with the then MM Lee in person on his visit to NTU. As one of the student representatives, I had the chance to be presented to the then MM Lee and to converse with him, albeit very briefly. Even though the interaction between MM Lee and us students were short and formalistic, the fact that he made a point to speak to the few of us from China in Mandarin left us with a strong impression.  We now learn from various sources that the late Mr. Lee was very determined to learn Mandarin, and spent a lot of efforts on it, even in his later years. After the event, NTU gifted each of us a group photo taken at the end of the event as keepsake; and all these years, I kept this photo together with my most important documents like passport and degree certificates.

       For “foreign talent” scholars like myself, of which there have been tens of thousands in Singapore over the years, we cannot but feel appreciative towards Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and what he advocated: an open and meritocratic Singapore that stood for opportunities and possibilities. It would be an exaggeration to say that Singapore’s scholarship schemes were life-changing for all of us, but it certainly changed the lives of some of us for the better, and provided others with alternative paths and chances to be different.

         Concerning the question of “foreign talent” students, the late Mr. Lee used to remark in 2008 that even if just 30% to 40% of all foreign students stayed, it would be good for Singapore. Such was his pragmatism. While probably more than 30-40% of foreign students stay (and definitely higher for the bonded scholar category), it is indeed the case that not all foreign students or scholars stay on in Singapore. They go on to “pastures greener” to pursue further education or to seek different career opportunities, but what I also observe is that many of them start to miss Singapore after they left, and not a few also choose to return after some further sojourning.

         Over the past week, as a seemingly endless stream of commentaries on Mr. Lee’s legacy flooded in, I found myself caught in a tension between a personal admiration and appreciation for Mr. Lee on the one hand, and a kind of more critical perspective on his legacy that is typical of my professional circles, namely, that of the social sciences and humanities. My colleagues are no Amos Yee, but I imagine some of them in private do not think high of the act of paying Mr. Lee effusive tributes. Taking a step back, I look to the level of empirical observations. It seems clear that Singaporeans are proud of their country, their society, their quality of life, and their identity – so proud in fact that they could become rather protective and jealous if it appears that the “foreign talents” are undeservedly sharing or threatening these precious things; so proud that Singaporeans’ feelings could be easily hurt by remarks or comments that are deemed disrespectful of the country and local culture. How many people in the world could feel so proud and protective of their nation? It is this that explains the hundreds of thousands queuing for up to ten hours to pay respects at the Parliament House and the equally astounding show of solidarity on Sunday. Revisionist history-writing and intellectual iconoclasm pale in the face of such spontaneous expressions of emotions from the people. Singapore is not Maoist China or the DPRK, nobody is forced to sing praise to the late Mr. Lee; people chose to. 

          I then glance at my Chinese passport, and think of not only the multitude of social problems that people in China have to confront but also the discriminations and hardships they often have to endure when they are abroad – yes, still, today, as we supposedly become a “rising superpower.” It is this thought that makes me understand why Singaporeans were so grateful to the late Mr. Lee; it is this thought that makes me share the same emotions with Singaporeans as I stood amidst them, shouting “Lee Kuan Yew!” as we saw him for the last time. Just like Singaporeans, I’m quite sure I have never felt and will never feel this way for any other political leader.

           People say that, with the passing of the Great Leader, a new era is dawning in Singapore, and I believe so too! Yet, no matter how politics and society change in Singapore in the future, I shall always hope that one essential attribute of Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore will not change: a meritocratic and open society that values talent and gives people a chance to be successful.

          Today, I dare say at least half of my 2002 cohort of over 200 SM2 scholars have settled down in Singapore, having obtained citizenship, bought properties, and working in well-paying professional jobs. I, however, still hold my Chinese passport, without a PR status either, because I have chosen the itinerant academic career path. And no matter whether I eventually settle down in the red dot like many of my fellow “foreign talent” scholars from China have done, or part with Singapore again in the near future (with or without another return), Singapore will always remain a very special and meaningful place to me. It will stay as part of my identity – it already is.

          I’m grateful and excited that I’m witnessing Singapore from within at such a unique juncture of its history. 

Tuesday 9 December 2014


也许太累,太久…… 已经忘却了自己曾经是多么乐观、多么努力的一个人。曾经为了自己想要的东西可以不顾一切地去努力,即便今天的沉沦正是因为意识到当初那些“努力”都是惘然甚至盲目的,但那种为梦想、妄想而执着的精神仍然是可贵的吧?


态度不能决定一切,但谁又敢说它不在某种程度上影响事物的发展?你用失败的预设去展开你的人生,恐怕很难收获成功的。你用病态、痛苦的眼神看世界、看他人,得到的是加倍的病与痛苦。不是那种接近妄想狂的执着支持你走到今天的吗?——没说我有什么“成就”,但我至少走过来了,并且是在一种动力下走过来的…… 不能放弃那种动力!







人在二十多岁时的努力是一种相对理所当然的努力:体力正旺;成年人生的启始章尚待书写;事业的道路仍待走出;周围的同龄人也都孜孜奋斗着…… 因为还一无所有,所以没什么可以失去的;可以收获的却不少。从这个角度看来,二十多岁时的努力并不难付出,因为世界还是那么新奇,而机会成本却小,你只要大胆往前冲便是……




Wednesday 3 December 2014

Gone Girl: the ultimate Lacanian film about the “big Other”, desire, and class

    Although the film Gone Girl (David Fincher 2014) started and ended with a close shot at Amy’s beautiful blond head, which then turns around to display her inscrutable smiling face and eyes, accompanied by a male voice in the background asking what is apparently the key question of the film—and I paraphrase—“What really goes on in the mind of the other in a marriage?”, this theme of the irreducible otherness of the other, the impossibility of genuine trust and transparent communication in a relationship, in my opinion, is probably the least interesting of the manifold themes the film offers up for us to savour. Of course, at a basic level, the film indeed tells a story about how a relationship developed so “perfectly”, into an enviably happy marriage, but then turned not just sour but positively horrific; it tells how two people who seemed so deeply in love could in fact have not the faintest clue as to what the other truly is. But this reading is simplistic and therefore boring because it assumes that there is a “truer” identity behind the surface—the “truer Amy” is supposed to be what many viewers of the film might call a “control freak”, someone who wants everything to go according to her perfect plan, for which she would do anything to manipulate people’s opinions and behaviors. This interpretation then reduces the film to a story about a manipulating and vengeful woman and her deeds (which also invites the accusation of misogyny), and the much greater richness in the film is lost.

    With such relatively uninteresting interpretations cleared off the way, I propose that Gone Girl is the ultimate film—in my impoverished film viewing experience—about the Lacanian ideas of the “big Other” and desire. Indeed, one almost feels as if the story was written with Lacan’s theory as its underlying theme and structure. One is tempted to wager that the author of the original novel, Gillian Flynn, has had many a sticky finger in Lacan’s works before she wrote the story. Let me be upfront with my arguments: the view of the big Other (“big Other” stands for the symbolic order, the fictional universe, and also commonsense and public opinion) is all that matters to Amy, and Amy is simultaneously a character in the symbolic fiction and also herself the author of that fiction; desire is a desire to be desired; in other words, one desires the big Other’s love, desire, and approval.

    Earlier on in the film, we learn that Amy was a very privileged young women who also served as the real-life inspiration for the widely popular and loved character of her mother's fiction series “Amazing Amy”—Amy's symbolic double. What Amy could not achieve in her real life, Amazing Amy pulls off effortlessly. So although Amy “gave up cello at eleven”, Amazing Amy became a virtuoso; although Amy never did cheerleading or was never good at it, Amazing Amy “entered the Varsity”. As Amy said at one point: “She [Amazing Amy] is always a step ahead of me.” Obviously, here we have a perfect instantiation of Lacan’s classic “mirror stage” scenario: Amazing Amy represents Amy’s ego-ideal in the Imaginary order. Amy is the infant who looks into the mirror and sees her more complete, more accomplished image. Just as in the "mirror stage" scenario, it is the (m)other's gaze from aside that affirms and secures this rival-identificatory relationship between the ego and its ideal, even more so in this case: it is in fact the (m)other who authors the entire fictional space, spins the symbolic web which holds Amy's position in it. As the film progresses, reference to Amazing Amy disappeared, and all is now focused on Amy herself; this is because, by doing the crazy things she did, she has clearly transcended real life and entered the very realm of fiction itself; in other words, for most of the film, Amy has become Amazing Amy, as we viewers were indeed held in awe at what she did. The ego and its imaginary ideal have merged into one, and to this extent, we must say that the film has a perversely happy ending!

    The point that all that matters to Amy is the world’s view, and not some so-called “inner truth” or “real” state of things is one that I believe I need not labor on too much. “We are the happiest couple I know”, Amy wrote in her diary. Of course, this statement implies a comparison – “happiest” compared to how other couples she knew appeared. The point is: for Amy all that matters is how her relationship with Nick appeared to the world, to the “big Other”. It is as if she wants the top prize for being the happy couple. Appearance is essence, at least for Amy; and the view that there is something more true/authentic about Amy hidden behind a façade is one to be utterly resisted. This also explains what appears to me to be the crucial turning point of film, namely, the point at which Amy, taking refuge at Desi’s luxurious villa, saw Nick going on national TV to tell the world lies (“I love my wife” “I love you, Amy”…) to save his reputation and try to win the public’s sympathy. Most clearly, Amy was transfixed when she saw and heard Nick tell those lies—she gorged on ice cream and appeared totally mesmerized by what Nick said. I argue that this was the moment at which Amy made the decision—her most risky and daring one yet—to kill Desi in order to return to Nick. (One must remember, that Amy ended up at Desi’s place was not in her original plan, and therefore, a new plan had to be made.) It mattered not the slightest whether Nick was actually lying or not; since his words were said during a show that reaches “tens of millions” of American TV viewers, it is truth for Amy, and Amy liked it very much—it was exactly what she wanted. Thus, the lies that Nick told the world, mediated through the “big Other” of the TV networks and hence public opinion, became the truth that amazing Amy would kill an innocent person for.

    The reason that Amy was willing to take such a risky step—after all one must remember that Amy was never even completely sure that her revenge on Nick was going to succeed because she included “kill self” as one of her options—was because what Nick said fitted her fiction too well; it was exactly what she desired. And what did she desire? Precisely Nick’s love and desire; and what perhaps matters more is that this love and dedication from Nick has to be sanctified by the “big Other” of public opinion—it has to be witnessed on national TV and therefore become a matter of public record. Here we see the Lacanian rule that “desire is a desire to be desired” working on two levels: Amy desires Nick’s desire, and because Nick told the world about his love and admiration for Amy, she also stands to win the world’s love and approval. This is the ultimate temptation that Amy could not resist, and poor Desi became the sacrifice.

    Here, in my opinion, one confronts one most interesting puzzle in the film. Why Nick? Why can’t Amy get over Nick? Doesn’t Desi also offer desire and love, and therefore the possibility to satisfy Amy’s desire for an other’s desire? Obviously, Desi’s desire for Amy is undying and intense, after they broke up for so many years. Furthermore, being a wealthy and cultivated person, Desi seemed far superior to Nick and therefore an unquestionably better “match” to Amy. While they had breakfast at Desi’s fancy villa, Amy confirmed Desi’s greater cultivation—that he could discuss with her 18th century classical music and 19th century paintings. Objectively speaking, then, by opting for Desi, Amy will be in even more enviable and perfect a couple in the world’s eyes, so why does Amy still go for Nick in the end? Here, the theme of class enters the scene. One small detail is worth paying attention to: after breakfast, Desi leaves for work; Amy sends him to the door, kisses him while biting his lips, then also roughing up his hair and untucking his shirt, adding aggressively: “This is how the boys wear it!” The comparatively uninteresting way to read this is that Amy was again being the “control freak” that she is, namely, she wants her partner to look exactly the way she fancies. But an alternative reading is that “the boys” stand for people of the lower classes—whose rough, masculine demeanor and style represent to Amy, a higher class woman, an inexplicable attraction; and of course Nick was very much that rough boy from countryside Missouri of lower birth compared to Amy whose parents are handsome upper-class New Yorkers. Here, we glimpse the ideological kernel of the film: Amy’s desire for others’ desire is the upper-class’s desire for the lower classes’ desire. We have various common words for this desire in the vocabulary of capitalism/neoliberalism: aspiration, ambition, etc… It is this desiring gaze cast by the dominated class upon the dominant class that is the ultimate object of desire for the latter. We recall that when Nick went on the national show, he did confirm this: Amy was the best; she brings out the best from him; he couldn’t appreciate how fortunate it was for him, a lower-class, relatively uncultivated person, to have someone like Amy as his partner… This was the desire Amy would kill for.

    At the core of the film, there is arguably a fundamental paradox. Namely, on the one hand, Amy is undoubtedly the Nietzschean super(wo)man who remorselessly manipulated and exploited others and yet remained completely beyond touch, beyond law or punishment; on the other hand, her success involves her assumption of a role that is very much still structured by normative gender ideology. In one of the last scenes of the film, she acts the perfect housewife who cooks breakfast in the morning for the husband. All that she wants is to live the perfect happy married life as defined by dominant social expectations. In other words, for the “correct” appearance, she would do anything; all her agency is exercised to serve the structure. This paradox pertaining to Amy, in the final analysis, is perhaps also the dilemma confronting God. As Schelling said, God had to create the world in order to avoid His own madness; He creates the world only to be Himself relegated to a restricted position and capacity; He becomes the hidden God (Dieu caché); in short, God created a world not to be a master over, but in order to avoid the madness that would result from His infinite powers. Same with Amy: for someone of her abilities, if she did not take refuge in a purely symbolic - one could even say alienating - position authored by her (m)other, her only option would have been madness. This is why not only the film has a “happy ending”, Amy is most definitely not a mad woman either.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

An Anthropology of the Shallow and Boring - musings from the fieldnotes

[I rediscovered this entry dated on 2nd Oct 2011 while revisiting my fieldnotes recently. I find the condescending tones here amusing, which perhaps reflect the frustration that I was experiencing in fieldwork then. Since this is unlikely to get to anywhere else, I thought I’d just share it for people’s amusement. It’s obvious that I felt a bit smug about coming up with this metaphor at that time; but now I realize it was probably a metaphor of Geertz's surfacing from my subconscious.]

    The work of an anthropologist is like observing a Monopoly card game or 三国杀, not knowing the rules and trying to figure out them. All the players in the game know the rules by their heart, though perhaps to varying degrees of skillfulness. The small booklet explaining the rules of the game that comes with the set has now been misplaced, and the puzzled anthropologist looks at how players deal the cards and move on the game. They are enjoying themselves, thinking, strategizing, plotting against each other, and carrying out actions. They laugh and banter among themselves; but the observer feels lost. The rules can be fairly complicated, and on the cards are strange and colorful symbols which are part of the rules; and sometimes the function of a card is written on the card itself. But the anthropologist, observing the game over people’s shoulders and being distracted by players’ exclamations and bantering, cannot see clearly what’s written on the cards. His task is to figure out, as far as possible, the rules that govern the players’ actions.
    Intellectually, the game is shallow and boring; and the anthropologist feels this by instinct. But until he has figured out the rules, he is actually the most vulnerable and stupid among them all. The anthropologist knows that the players are also boring and shallow: their laughter, their banters…all quite trifle; but even for the boring and shallow, some rules govern their actions; and until the anthropologist uncovers those rules—they may not be stable but rather dynamic rules that are re-/constructed on the go—he cannot dismiss them. He has to produce an account adequate enough to explain the players’ behaviors; he is an anthropologist of the shallow and boring, but his understanding is neither shallow nor boring.

Monday 4 February 2013

从对“纯粹”的追求说起: 听牛津中国学联“思享之周”讲座系列的一点杂感

        对于一个社会机构(social institution)例如教育体系、法制体系、高教体系,有某种特定的功能上的期待可以说是社会学人类学中“结构功能主义”(structural functionalism)的一种体现。人们认为教育体系的功能就是教书育人,而高等教育体系的功能还包括搞学术研究,法制体系的功能是裁判社会纠纷、维持社会秩序、彰显社会正义;而这种种不同的社会机构犹如人身体的不同器官,相互配合,相互作用,使得整个社会能够有序地运转下去。社会的有序运转成为最高的、终极的目标,其它下属社会机构发挥各自功能,为这一终极目标服务。(也就是以前说的“每个人都是社会主义大厦上的一颗螺丝钉”。)在这种理解下,不同的社会机构自然有了它的一个“纯粹”的形态——也就是完成它应该完成的任务——而人们对不“纯粹”的形态和做法进行抨击。这个理解其实没有错误,只是略为片面。
        杜维明教授在他的演讲中提到了亚当斯密所推崇的“经济人”(homo economicus)的说法。亚当斯密认为,人从根本上是追求经济利益的动物,只要实行自由主义,让人按照自己利益最大化的目标去行事,便可以达到社会的最繁荣,因为会有一双“看不见的手”来规制人们的行为,使得他们的行为在个人利益最大化的同时也顾及整个社会(即其它的“个人”)的利益。但在强调“经济人”的时候,我们是否忽视了人性的另外重要一面,即所谓的“等级人”(homo hierarchicus)?“等级人”的观点强调,人类社会是必然形成等级秩序、等级关系的;甚至可以进一步说,人其实是有服从等级制度,甚至认同等级制度的倾向的一种动物。
        最后,回到前面对社会机构的分析:在这个“别有洞天”的社会机构生态系统里,以上的这些原则大致决定了系统里的角色的行为方式。但是,最大的前提是,必须有外部输送进来的利益,作为这个生态系统运行的原材料和原动力。直白地说,也就是外面要给系统一块大蛋糕,系统里面的人才能按照high table, low table, senior common room, junior common room这些规则来分蛋糕;外面要给一个球,系统里面的人才能按自己的规则踢。只要这个蛋糕/球一直源源不断地有,这个生态系统里面的既得利益者就会维护现有规则。当有一天蛋糕没有了,或者球从足球换成橄榄球,才可能让社会机构内部运行机制彻底大洗牌。

Monday 28 January 2013

The sand as a metaphor for the society. Watching the Japanese film The Woman of the Dunes (1964)

I must confess that I always watch black-and-white films with some pain and difficulty. If the film is primarily a visual art, which it undoubtedly is, then the primacy of colour and visual effects cannot be denied, and consequently it is perhaps not entirely unacceptable to profess a preference for the visual abundance and dynamism offered by the colourful cinema. The Woman of the Dunes (1964 砂の女) is a notable exception in this regard for me, as I seem to have enjoyed this one in spite of its black-whiteness.

    This is a film very rich in abstract metaphorism and symbolism, but which manages to be visceral and very sensually affective at the same time. There can be many competing interpretations of the film, but I personally suspect that the ‘traditional society vs modernity’ version is likely to be the most obvious and prominent. The woman who lives in the dunes is a martyr of the enclosed, self-sustaining traditional society, a sacrifice to the feudal values of patriarchy and rootedness. The Woman repeatedly refers to the outside world by invoking Tokyo, the symbol of burgeoning modernity in post-War Japan. The reference to the co-operative (組み合い) run by the village chiefs (all men) also hints to the survival struggle of rural, traditional community against the sweep of modernising forces.

     But what really sparked off in my mind was a slightly different interpretation, where the portrayal of the quality of sand is pivotal. After the entomologist has fallen into the trap set up by the villagers, he tries hard to climb out of the sand pit. But his efforts are in vain – sand does not support weights; it slides, it collapses, it flows almost like water. One cannot apply force to sand in order to ascend; but sand can bury, and kill, without a trace. At the end of the film, the entomologist is declared a missing person, and the outside world would have assumed that he has been gorged by the dunes. He ceases to exist, and his identity evaporates. This is exactly the working of the society.

     The sand is thus a perfect metaphor for the society itself. In front of the society, any personal struggle is in vain. You cannot apply force to the society; the harder you struggle, the worse the consequences. The society has an enormity – as reflected by the depiction of the dunes in the film which dries any last bit of hope – and a destructiveness that has no respect whatsoever for individuality or personality, just as the identity of the protagonist is eradicated.

     The hut in the sand pit, with a couple who did not come together by their volition, living a purposeless, repetitive life is a fitting metaphor for Life itself. The sand dunes are the society, they are shifting, but also eternal; you find a pit, built a makeshift hut, live with someone until you both die, that is life. When you die, someone else takes your place in the pit, live in the hut; or the sand will fill the pit, erasing any marks you’ve left behind you. The entomologist initially hopes to have his name entered into the Encyclopedia by discovering a rare species of insect in the desert, but he ends up in an identity-less life in the dunes…isn’t this the metaphor for all our lives? We try to achieve things, and leave marks in this world, to prove that we’ve been here, and that we’ve done x, y, z…but don't be stupid!

     The human condition could not have been better symbolised by the fact that in order to keep on living in their hut, the couple has to shovel sand out daily to keep themselves from being eventually buried under. ‘Isn’t this pointless’, asks the entomologist to the Woman. Exactly! It is pointless, but the greatest philosophical wisdom perhaps is realising life’s pointless and still living it earnestly. Religions around the world of all times have concocted all kinds of fanciful stories to mask over this essentially pointless life – that shovelling of sand out from one’s pit so that you can keep on doing exactly the same the next day – but that is not philosophy, that’s deception. To be truly philosophical is to know that the society is exactly like the sand, and that your duty in this transient passing-through is to keep on shovelling sand until you die, decompose, and become part of the eternal sand dunes.